Monday, October 29, 2007

#13 Tagging, folksonomies & social bookmarking in

When I first looked at this topic, I could see the use of having a site which could store your bookmarks and could be accessed from any PC, but the idea of 'social' bookmarking hadn't really occurred to me. Now I can see the ability to see bookmarks created by other users with common interests could be very useful, cutting down on time spent searching with search engines, and leading to new discoveries which you might never make on your own.

The layout of the delicious site took me a while to get to grips with, and I found this article a bit confusing, but after checking out some of the links I found on delicious- like this one I started to get what tagging was all about. Interesting the point made here about subject headings being technically correct vs tags which are more often informally right, even if not always 'correct' . Given the way so many people search on the internet- mainly using keywords- it does seem tagging could be more suited than subject cataloguing.

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Dino Sign

