Thursday, October 11, 2007

#8 Make life "really simple" with RSS & a newsreader

I must admit to knowing little about rss feeds before this exercise, but I found the process of creating a bloglines account and setting up the feeds very straightforward. The Feed Me: A gentle introduction to Internet feeds was a good starting point, though once at bloglines I was a little confused when I couldn't find the 'share' tab. Reading back over my emails I saw that it has moved to 'additional features'.

I can see that a newsreader like bloglines might be useful for library and other information professionals to centralise information from multiple sources which is updated frequently, saving lots of time searching for it at different sites. For instance, keeping up to date with news and events from other libraries, or from professional organisations such as ALIA.

I don't think I would set up an account for personal use though, as I don't really have specific sources I regularly seek information from, and would probably get a bad case of information overload!

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Dino Sign

Dino Sign

